Biamping; Amps w. Different power ratings?

If a person uses two amps of differing power levels, will there be a noticeable difference in volume? I've got an Outlaw Audio 755 which is 200wpc. I'm thinking of adding an Outlaw 750, which is 165wpc also. I would use the lower power amp for the bass, and the higher for the treble.
I will have a speaker system comprising four Eminent Technology LFT-8's (biwired and biamped configuration for each of them) and will use 8 channels of amplification. The four bass drivers would be from the lower power Outlaw amp (165) and the highs from the 200wpc amp.

Or, would I be better served to make one speaker completely driven by the 165wpc, and the other by the 200wpc?

I will be sending signal to all 8 amp inputs through the same preamp - a Rogue Audio Magnum 66 (which has a selectable second main out; the signal from each pair of outs will be split and delivered to the 8 amp inputs.

So, would the difference in power cause volume discrepancies between either the bass and treble, or between entire speakers (depending on how I hooked them up).

Comments, suggestions welcome!
First time i heard about the peak/RMS ratio for high end, interesting. Was that based on your measurements? What about overall power demand? For my home unit i just use one mono per side and for live stuff it's usually moot as well because 2 to 4 18's a side are the obvious power sucks verses a couple of 12s and 10s per side. You have my curiosity though. For smaller club set ups i wonder if putting more power to the high/mid boxes would smooth out the sound (still a room battle in a lot of cases)
1. With regard to the peak/rms (voltage) ratio, this would be 1.414 for a pure sine wave. High frequency waveforms are more jagged than low frequency, and the "spikes" will go much higher relative to the rms. Suggestion...look at some waveforms with a scope if you have one.

2. In general, I suggest that you measure what your high and low amps are delivering in your real world situation. If you are using high frequency horn drivers with very high sensitivities your HF amp may indeed be loafing.
Well, guys, you're waaay more knowledgeable and technical than I am. I appreciate your insights! I thought I'd just try wiring it both ways and seeing which I prefer.
I've thought the bass was a bit strong with a single pair of LFT-8's biwired at 200wpc, so I thought that maybe I'd "lighten it up" with 165wpc and putting the power more on the mid/tweet.
As you can see, I'm not scientific about this. Hopeful is more the word. I've got an ad in for an additional Outlaw 755 to match my setup if the 750 doesn't perform as hoped. But I'm going to peek at the sensitivity ratings of the different Outlaw amps to see what I can ascertain. Very helpful posts!
Douglas_schroeder...Loudness is determined by the GAIN of the amplifier, not by its power rating. (GAIN is volts-out per volts-in). A 20 watt amp may play louder than a 200 watt amp, up to the point where the output reaches 20 watts (very loud).

Note that GAIN is often stated as "Sensitivity"... usually as input voltage for rated power out. For example 1.23 volts. In this case, if the sensitivity is the same for two amps, the one with the higher power rating will play louder, not because it is more powerful, but because its gain is higher.
Thanks for the clarification!
I have heard of people even pairing tube amps and solid state on speakers, so I'm guessing this shouldn't be the world of difference between these two amps:

Outlaw Audio 755 (200wpc) input sens. 1.43v
Outlaw Audio 750 (165wpc) input sens. 1.2v

Again, much obliged for info!