Best Computer Speakers

I spend a lot of time at my computer for business purposes. I've started researching economical but satisfying speakers for my desktop through which I can enjoy streaming music. I've got Amarra sQ and HiFi. I'm thinking perhaps a pair of good powered speakers might be a perfectly good way to go.

I have read a little about Audioengine A2+ speakers. They look quite promising and may be perfect for my needs. Strictly nearfield listening.

Your thoughts and suggestions are most welcome.

Thank you.
"04-08-15: Branislav
Im always confused about what speakers are not only powered but have dacs in them. How do I know out of all these computer speakers which one have to be fed digital or only analog signal?"

I don't think I've ever seen anyone ask this question before. Here's what to look for.

The speakers will have a digital input.
The Audioengine +2's now have about 30 hours of break-in, playing everything from quiet single instrument acoustic, to heavy beat electronic material. The additional break in time made a significant improvement over "out of the box" sound. They flank a 30" monitor which makes for very near field listening. On a whim, and using the A2+ dedicated stands, I placed them on two foam yoga blocks. This improved soundstage and overall sound.

I am very happy with these speakers. Smooth, detailed, and to my ears, "neutral." Not at all harsh. My listening is through Spotify and Amarra SQ. At this point I don't feel the need for a subwoofer, but that could change. (hey, it's a hobby after all) :)

Next experiment will be to try an outboard DAC when budget permits.
I have used memory foam remnant blocks to dampen my preamp stand. The store sold furniture cloth, coverings and repair materials.
I would like to compare the Audioengine 2+ with my Focal XS 2.1 especially since the DAC in the Audioengine is 6 years newer

pretty darn happy with the Focal though, neutral and detailed and full range (subjectively)