accidental power down....any damage??? system was up and running at a moderate volume level, when my daughter accidentally shut off the power button on my preamp, and the turned it back on. I was upstairs when this happened, so I couldnt hear id any abnormalites took place. It may just be my imagination, but right afterwards the system sounded a little thinner, with not as much dynamics, and it seemed to need more gain. Could something have gotten damaged???? My system is:
Pass x250 amp
Rogue 66 magnum pre
Shanling t-100 cd
Martin Logan Ascents
Sumiko project wood classic tt
When this occured, the system was playing a cd.
I just shut it down after a few minutes of playing afterwards. Has anyone experienced this??
Thanks in advance.................
Why should the amp been damage by only turning the preamp off and on? Isn't that what we are doing after a listening session? It shouldn't also make a difference if the switching takes place with or without music.
Many amplifiers do not like to loose input power from a preamplifier when powered up. Some put out distortion, some may hum, some can go into oscillation.

This is usually bad for loudspeakers. Many amplifiers have
protection relays, and will clamp down or mute if DC is present in the output stage.

I would check your speaker panels, and if you have any fuses, check them also. I am not sure if the Pass has protection relays, but it probably does.
Check your woofers also, especially if they have fused protection. Make sure that they are working.
Perhaps nothing happened, as the first response mentions.

But I have heard many amplifiers, tube and solid state, make some real nasty noises when loosing input signal.....

Check out your speakers, hopefully nothing is wrong.....

Best, Bill M.