Speaker Stands Filled With Kitty Litter? TRUE???

I know that speaker stands should be filled with sand or lead shot for weight, stability and providing a good base for the speaker performance.

Recently, I heard people saying stands can be filled with KITTY LITTER! Is this true? Anybody else know about this, or is it a bunch of hooey? If it's true, how does it compare to the traditional fill materials?
Ag insider logo xs@2x3zub
Not a bad idea if your cramped for space, as your Speaker Stands would also double as a PurrFect Scratching Post.

Hey Marco, I thought you where Pro Hello Kitty, not Badtz Maru?
Oh I see Marco your now going for the More Bite "Hello Pitbull" Tank-tops for the Gym. ;0)~
More bull and less pussy for Marco?

Instead of kitty litter, how about "date-expired" breakfast cereal?

Some of it looks and smells like kitty litter when it gets old and probably just as effective, provided you skip the milk.
That sounds like a good name for a London pub Albert: The Bull N' Pussy! Better yet, the....oh, wait, I can't say that here...well, maybe like this: The Rooster N' Kitty (you get where I'm going with that).
