How to correctly do dedicated lines for an apt?
I know these cleanpower/dedicated line threads have been discussed before. I'm been totally convinced of the importance of having dedicated lines. That's why I'm taking the plunge myself and having it done in my place. The only difference is that I live in an 667 unit 31 story hi-rise and can only go so far.( Can't change the ground,can't isolate the power from the pole transformer etc. etc.). Here's what I believe covers most everything. I want to be sure I've covered all the bases before I bring in an electrician to do the work
1) On concensus #10 solid wire is the best to use(cyroed or not)
2) Put in as many outlets as you can.You can never have too many.
3) My standard 100 amp box is all used up; so just run a sub breaker box from it.
4) Clean all the breakers and mains and apply something like SST for conductivity.
5) Use high quality duplex receptacles (cyroed or not).
6) THIS IS THE ONE I DON'T UNDERSTAND Put all the new dedicated lines on the SAME PHASE.
7)Put in some 30 amp breakers for your high current items.e.g. Power amps
8) Run an isolated ground from each outlet back to the box DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS EITHER
Well, that's what I know. Appreciate any other suggestions to do this right
Thanks for any and all input
Barry Montauk