I'd agree, check with Kevin. It sounds like one, or more of your output tubes
may have bit the dust. If so, no big whoop...it happens...especially on
modern-made Chinese and Russian tubes. I have had brand new tubes go
bad before. The (regular) popping sound is a tell-tale sign of tube failure. I'd
still check with Kevin though...I'm sure at the very least he'd replace the set of
tubes for you if it is only two months old. I would suggest trying that before I
packed up the whole unit and sent it back. Welcome to the wonderful world
of tubes! For the sonic advantages, the occasional minor hassle like you are
experiencing is worth it IMO. It's not a regular occurance, but it does happen
on occasion. Don't let it ruin your weekend.
may have bit the dust. If so, no big whoop...it happens...especially on
modern-made Chinese and Russian tubes. I have had brand new tubes go
bad before. The (regular) popping sound is a tell-tale sign of tube failure. I'd
still check with Kevin though...I'm sure at the very least he'd replace the set of
tubes for you if it is only two months old. I would suggest trying that before I
packed up the whole unit and sent it back. Welcome to the wonderful world
of tubes! For the sonic advantages, the occasional minor hassle like you are
experiencing is worth it IMO. It's not a regular occurance, but it does happen
on occasion. Don't let it ruin your weekend.