Computer Upgrade

I have been using a mini Mac book for years. I now feel that it is time to do an upgrade. Would you mind to chime in and let me know the pros and cons between new Mac, new Window Laptop, and new window desktop in term of performance effected the sound?

Thanks in Advance
I do a lot of streaming over WiFi with Tidal and Classicsonline. When I had a Lenova PC running Windows 8.1 I had nothing but trouble. Constant dropouts, stoppages and sometines I could not even login. I then bought a MacBook Pro running Yosemite and everything works perfectly. I am now sold on Mac
Mac Mini with asynch USB DAC is the least challenging solution to get right for computer audio. PC's require a EE degree to get past all the things they do intrinsically wrong out of the box.
Asynchronous USB DAC and network streaming (WiFi, Ethernet) have one thing in common - they change "music" to "data" by removing timing. When timing is recreated on the other side of the bridge (or inside USB DAC) computer's speed, amount of RAM etc. become irrelevant (saving money).
Asynchronous USB sounds like it should solve all the problems but it really doesn't. The reclocking inside a dac creates packet noise which creates jitter which can effect the sound. My Metrum Hex is asynchronous but the choice of the source computer still made a major difference in the quality of sound.
Arh is spot on. Packets KILL the audio sound. USB was created to connect peripherials. Now, the interface is used to keep customer service costs down as no one needs to open up their computers ever again. I am a student that if is easy, it can't be the absolute best (or at least, let me try something harder to see if it is BETTER). That USB is like a belly button - every puter has one (or a hand full). Me - I'm unique.