Tubes Tubes Tubes...

There are a lot of audiofiles and audiodealers say that tube poweramps can drive more difficult speaker loads per less output power.
Is it real or just a catch?
Explain why?
Thanks to Rushton!
You're not the first one that sais about clipping characteristics to me.
You must be an electronic engineer?
That's my primary reason to switch to tubes to drive my speakers.
I can only tell you that i just recently went from 150 watt per channel Threshold s/s amp to 30 watt mono Thor tube amps. The little tube monos has just as much power as the a Threshold. It suprised me too!
I went from Bryston's mighty 7BST's monoblocks toAronov 9100 monoblocks, "giving up" a lot of watss in the process. Cna't say I miss the Brystons at all. The Aronovs go plenty loud and have more than enough dynamic range and punch in my system