Tweaks break-in period ?

Hi all,

Have you ever experience tweaks break-in period ? Yesterday night me and 4 of my fellows (all audiophiles) were having a good time listening to music on my main system.

As I had received a brand new set of Black Diamond Racing cones (MKIII version)sooner in the day; and the ones (also MKIII) sitting under my power amp were a "loan" and belong to one of my friends, I proceeded to switch the older set with the new one.

Holy s...!! The sound changed !! It became harsher, thinner, more up-front, a little sibilant and less musical !!! We all thought that something was wrong and that maybe I had MK IV version instead of MK IIIs. But no, both sets were MK IIIs. It is true that my friend's set had several hundred hours under my amp but does burnin exist with tweaks or were we all nuts?

Maybe it is an energy related thing. Maybe after x number of hours of receiving vibrations (therefore energy) from the amp the cones get their final arrangement at the molecular level !? I don't know.

One thing is certain though, we ALL notice the differences and they were not subtelities but very evident ones.

My question is: Have you ever experience similar effect with tweaks and if so, what do you think would be the reasons ?

Hope we are not the only 4 nuts on this planet ;-)

Thank you all
Best regards

Marc-André Rodrigue
Cornfedboy: Thank you for your positive was exactly the kind of answer I was looking for...the toaster thing could have been helpful...but I already tried it and found that the difference was more important in the lower midrange (more delicacy) especially on track 5 of Ottmar Liebert's Nouveau Flamenco...

Please let's respect and not ridiculise each other. I was just sharing an audio experience with you all. Isn't it one of the main reasons why audio forums like this one do exist ? That being said, I still have a good sense of humor...;-)

Marc-André Rodrigue
marc: i meant no disrespect and thank you for your ackowledgment of my mere attempt at humor. i do, in fact, applaud your enthusiasm in finding yet another pathway to better sound. -cfb
Corfed. your post WAS funny...thanks again.
Tacs, I think you nailed it: expectation bias hoodwinking!