i have hummmmmmmm.

i have a hum. i am not a techy. my system consist of the
quicksilver silver 60's mono's
blue circle bc-3
linn lp-12
wadia 15 d/a
m/l 30.5 transport
audio majic silver cables
the amps have there own dedicated 20 amp outlets. one for each amp. when i lift ground with a cheater hum goes away
but i then rec the local gospel radio station. loud and clear. i dont even have a tuner !
my interconnects are shielded. i should mention the interconnects are 6 meters long and because of my setup
are impossible to change. plz help guys.
Not what you may want to hear but with such long ICs, you may want to consider balanced if your electronics will support it.
You mention radio signals when you record. When this occurs, Is the Lynn turntable the source? I ask because improper ground at the turntable and /or phono stage often results in the reception of all kinds of RF signals, even ham radio and CB.

Try improving the grounds at the phono end of the system first. Then, you may be able to float the ground to your amps with no radio AND no hummmmmmmm.
If your cable tv is hooked up to the system in any way check for a ground loop. Turning the cable off is not enough to check. You have to disconnect it from the system.