CAN Bi-Amping been done Correctly?

Hello everyone,

I have heard both GOOD and BAD reports when it comes to BI-AMPING. I would like to utilize my current TUBE amps for the electrostatic panel of my Martin Logans and then utilize some SS drive on the low-end, Good or Bad idea?. I would like to ask what may, or may not be, a simple question. CAN BI-AMPING BE DONE CORRECTLY? Are there more bad than good related benefits to doing so or visa-versa? What is it exactly I need to pay strict attention to regarding the cabling, speakers and amps? I know this may be a lengthy answer but I would greatly appreciate your experience and advice.

My best,

The more I've tried such experiments the more I realize that the best way is to have 2 amps or 2 pairs of monos of one kind. It's not going to go as with built-in servo-controlled bass drivers that are on some of Genesis, Wisdom and other speakers for sure.
I use a pair of McCormack .5 amps in a biamped configeration with Vandersteen speakers. One of the most substantial improvements I ever made to a system in 30+ years of playing with this stuff. I was amazed!
You have to make sure the amps are identical. I don't believe what you want to do is a good idea. Read Richard Vandersteen's article on vertical biamping. For sonic integration, the amps must be sonically alike. I think this would be even more important with ribbons and dynamic woofers. Also, you have the level matching and sensitivity problems with mis-matched amps. Identical amps will overcome this limitation.
To specifically explain what I did, each stereo amp drives one speaker (one left, one right) One channel in each amp drives the mid and highs, the other the bottom. I have the benefits of mono blocks and different loads on each channel. This gets the most out of each amps power supply. It also bi-wires the system. IT DOES WORK UNBELIEVABLY SO! Hope this provides a little insight.
The answer is yes, it can be done. You will need an active crossover and need to bi-pass the internal cross-over of your MLs when using two different types of amps. Undoubtedly the gain will be different. I have a pair of ML monolith IIs which I bi-amp--to great success. I'm using solid state on both top and bottom--but your idea is a good one. I have tried using a tube amp on top and it didn't work, but that was because of the great mis-match (in power) in the amps I was using. Your tube amp needs to have close to the same output and needs high current delivery to handle the panels (this is generally not a problem for most good quality tube amps). I would recommend no less than 100 watts per channel (per driver as well). In terms of cross-overs, Bryston 10B and the Marchand are both excellent. The Marchand is a bit more economical.

Lastly, if you are using a class A SS amp and the tubes--better have a good air conditioner or live in Canada--you are going to generate some heat.