Words From the Wise

Hello fellow Audiophiles and Audio Enthousiast. I've been in the game for a little over 4 months now and I've learned tonnes of stuff along the way thanks to some very knowledgeable people on this website and in my local community (but mostly on this website).

I'll get right to the point.

Whether you are new to the game or a veteran I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the top 5 things you would tell a fellow Audiophile to better his/her enjoyment of this wonderful hobby. Please use point form or short paragraphs
Pay attention to the music.
If it feels right rather than sounds perfect you've got it.
Only listen to the components or your friends advice if you feel somethings not where you want it.
Move your speakers, placement is king.
If you're just starting try and get a single medium (cd, records, dig, tape, tuner etc.) sounding good to you before adding the rest in. It helps to focus the money on a decent end to end path first
Seek therapy, once in you're in for life
As a newbe I save4d a lot of frustration by "using" some hifi-veterans wellbalanced systems as a referance. Every uppgrade was matched up against some veterans more expensive components, and if my choice did a good appearance I knew I was on the right track.
Both the hifi-shops and the veterans liked this testing too, so I made me a few friends and connections for later "use" ;)
Enjoy lots of live music. Get the response of your ears tested.
What I thought was a channel balance issue was actually a dip in the response of my left ear. By the look of your set up I say get some pro advice on acoustically treating your room. You may find Bass response in your listening room less peaky and more accurate. Done right everything will improve and unlike some equipment will stay that way permanently. Your set up seems pretty good as it is. My final advice is don't catch upgradiola virus, it's usually terminal and you will have heaps more moola to blow on CD's. Lastly enjoy the music through your system often. Cheers thermo