Contact Cleaner

Time to remove the oxidation and crud from my interconnects/speaker cables/terminals. Any favorite brands out there? Or can I same myself some bucks by buying generic without the added expense of pricey 'designer labels'?
I use Zep contact cleaner, made a HUGE improvement on my amp, I was getting a weird noise from the right channel and took it apart and cleaned the living hell out of it, never sounded better! I think my problem was a little corrosion/oxidation between a tube and its socket. I am not sure if Zep products are available on a retail level though :(

I use Kontak. Doesn't remove oxidation well, but oils (from manufacturing etc) and crud/dirt good...Always sounds better afterwards. Pretty big difference...
Fatparrot, if Eastman Kodak still manufactures their film cleaner, the formula contains (among other things) 111 trichlorethylene. This is the business end of many designer cleaners.

The Kodak product is a few bucks for a four ounce bottle.

My best results were had by plucking about half the cotton off of a wood Q-Tip brand swab. This makes a great disposable cleaning tool which will enter the male and female RCA jacks as well as around speaker posts.

The only other cleaner I find interesting is Caig Deoxit and Caig Gold, both available in pre saturated pads and in a spray can. I am undecided about the performance change Pro Gold brings to connections, but the Deoxit cleans very well.