Are you a D.I.Y?

I like to "do it yourself" on many items where I feel I can achieve good results and save money. Also, there is some satisfaction and pride in researching and building things, especially if it's your own design. I would supect that there are others on Audiogon who feel the same. If you "DIY", tell us about your ideas and projects you made that you had success(or failures) with. And would you DIY again?
I've posted this info many times, but new readers keep coming along so I'll do it once again. I have plans for RPG-style diffusors (three kinds), Argent Room Lens clones, and now a really cheap fairly good isolation platform, and more advice than you'll want to hear on passive preamps. If you get in touch, I'll email whatever you want to you. For the DIY projects, you'll need a table saw or equivalent.
If you like to tinker its great. It's the equivalent of home cooking. I have only messed with tubes for a short period and it is amazing to me how few components are needed for a circuit and most of the designs have been around forever. Audioexpress has an "Audio Classroom series" online with all the articles by Crowhurst and Marshall that were published in the mid 50s in Audiocraft Magazine and they are still great.

Just completed (the solder is still hot) a nice system for my niece who is off at college. She saved 1k to spend on music and asked me what to buy. (She came to me because she knows I'm a soft touch.) I matched it and made the following for around 2k from kits: 1) Adire Audio's HE10.1 speaker, 2)the "Billie" 300b SET amp and "Basie" pre amp from diyhifi supply. This is all really simple kit stuff. Added a Heart 4000 cd player, the opamp is taken out and 6922 triodes (tubes) are used for output stage. It's a modification of a Marantz and is nice for a fairly cheap cd player. Could have saved some $ on the pre.

She listens to a lot of folk/jazz and for this music it's a nice musical system for about 2k. In addition, the amp is very tweakable with lots of modifications documented at Audioasylum. Does not sound like a beginner's set-up at all, easy to make, and I think I would recommend it to anybody as a first project.

Might upgrade it with something based on a Lowther for her graduation. That would make it a keeper I think.

After a few years of tweaking a 2 1/2 way speaker system (based on Northcreek design), which I still realy like, I am looking more at single drivers. It is amazing what a very simple SET circuit can do with a single driver for certain kinds of music. They flip out a little with full orchestral music but for small jazz and folk groups or classical quartets it is just wonderful... at least to my ears.

I have an idea to make a system with as few components as possible. Single ended... Single driver etc...If anybody has any info on this kind of thing I would like to hear about it.

Cheers, I remain
Yes, I'm definitely a DIYer. I've done quite a few projects over the past several years. Anything as simple as adding network card and more memory to my Tivo to much more difficult projects such as installing an LC Audio ZAPfilter Mk. II/LClock XO in a Rotel RCD-971. For the most part all of my projects come out really good as I usually spend 3 times as long thinking about how to do it right (my tonearm re-wiring project comes to mind) than actually doing the work. Here's some pictures and the installation guide I wrote for installing the ZAPfilter in the Rotel:

Right now I've just started working on building the JR Power Filter, but I'm held up waiting for parts as I'm going to use to modify the design some. I should have a guide written up when it's done. For my next project, I plan on modifying my Sonic Frontiers Phone 1 - it should be a lot of fun.

I definitely agree with you that I get a lot of pride from some of the projects I've done. I think that's half the fun of doing the work myself. Good luck on your next project!