Rumble Filter for my Linn LP-12 setup ??

I found a nice company
from another post here of course! Which sells what seems to be a high quality rumble filter. To help eliminate the huge throw distance of my woofers . They look like they are going to jump out of the speakers. Any comments good or bad would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to all my audiogon friends !
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xweiserb
Thanks for reminding me about KAB. I wanted to put in an order last night and lost my connection to the net : ) Sean
Make sure it has a steep rolloff or it will affect the bass response. The Linn LP12 has extremely low rumble. What is causing you to get rumble? It might be better to cure the problem instead of filtering it out, which may cause another problem.
My guess is that you can cure this with better equipment placement, isolation and/or room treatment. I had a similar problem after moving my system into a new dedicated room. I have since completely eliminated subsonic woofer excursions, but it took some trial and a lot of error. The combination of better isolation of the TT (a Big Rock), moving the rack to the side and away from the corner, and the addition of tube traps solved the problem, and improved the sound, too. If you can't move the rack, check out a wall shelf for the LP12, as most of the subsonics come through the floor. Quadraspire and Mana make good shelves.