What does this mean?

"Interconnect 1.5 meter Balanced RCA" - I thought only XLR or phone connections could be balanced? What am I missing here? Can someone explain?
Ag insider logo xs@2xivanj
ah Jameswei! You may have it!
I'll take a set.

Or, do you take the extra wire and plug it into the wall receptacle?
It simply means that one end of the cable weighs the same as the other end. If you coil it up and heave it into the woods, it will spiral gracefully into the void. Which is probably what you should do with such a confused cable. :-)
I'd try another seller, myself.
Still unbalanced,
Euro balanced interfaces sometimes use RCA's; 1 cable for inverting & another cable for non-inverting. Take a look at an Electrocompaniet component for an example of this approach.
This simply means that the cable has three conductors inside even though it has RCA's on the end. It has two conductors and a shield. The cable can easily be made fully balanced by replacing the RCA's with XLR's. All one has to do is solder the red wire to pin two the black wire to pin three and the shield to pin one. Or, for Europeans use the black wire for pin two and the red wire for pin three.
Bob and RW, thanks for bringing those points up. I wasn't familiar with how some EC gear was set up nor did i know about the European color codes. You both taught me something today : )

I know that the Goertz micropurl IC's make use of three conductors. If running balanced, all three are used. If running RCA's, the center "foil" is simply left floating. They do this in order to reduce capacitance, which can play havoc with line level components. Sean