Hum problem

Hi All,

I need a little help. I moved to new house and I love it, but during the day my system has annoying hum in it. I don’t hear it in the late evening—just in the day.

I have everything plugged in to a Monster Power HTS 2000 Power Center, but it doesn’t seem to help. FYI my system consists of a Rouge 99 preamp, a Bat VK200 amp, Cary 303 CDP.

Any suggestions?
Check to see if your power cords are running along next to your interconnects. If you can move the power cords a foot away from the signal carrying wires, do it. If you must cross a power cord with a signal carrying wire, then cross at 90 degree angles. This may not cure your exact problem, but it could, and it is good general practice.
i had the same problem & i got a mondial magic box it goes on the catv line the problem was completely gone.
Drop the ground. A couple of cheater adapters(3prong male to 2prong male)will do it. Most any supermarket or drug stores carry these devices.
Thanks for the suggestions. I have a couple of questions. On what do I lift the ground? My TV has a two prong plug. Also, where would one pick up a mondial magic box?

Thanks again