What type of solder do you use and why?

I'm starting for the first time "DIY" mods. Thanks.
Thanks to all above...your comments & recommendations will surely come in handy come mod time. Harry
Bear, i've heard rumour that Wonder Solder is a formulation that Tektronic's developed for use in their test equipment. How true this is, i don't know. Sean
Riehl Copper solder from Starsound, has given me the best sound. NO LEAD..LEAD free highs. This formula is an original not just a re-label! I have 2 sets of cables both assembled by the same tech. One set with silver based solder the other with Riehl copper based solder. The Riehl based cables gave a much cleaner and more focused presentation along with more articulate mid and upper bass. The prescence of lead makes the others a no brainer!!!
I'm not sure if this will have any bearing, (HA!), seeing from the varieties of solder here, but of the 3, wonder, wbt, cardas, I find cardas to sound the best. how much, I don't know, but it sure seems that way to me. (I don't redo solder to see if there is a difference). I haven't noticed it being any harder to work with, in fact, they are all easy, these 3. I have noticed a noticable improvement washing the surfaces with xlo contact cleaner. I have not found any cold joints with this yet.