Can you help a computer "idiot" ?

I have been trying find an ad for some items that were listed on Rec Audio Marketplace about a week or two ago, but can't figure out how to do a search of newsgroups. The seller was an Audiogon member, but i can't recall their member name. Can anybody point me to a search engine that "specializes" in newsgroups or show me how to do a "general" search using something like Google, etc... that may net me the results that i'm looking for ? I would greatly appreciate it and i'm sure that there are others that out here that would like to learn a few new "tricks" in terms of being able to do more in-depth searches. Sean
Thanks for the kind words Scott. I had tried Google but it did not come up with anything that i was looking for. A couple of Agon members suggested that i try going to, as this is a newsgroup based search engine that Google recently purchased. Just for kicks, i went to Google and typed in "deja" and it came up with "Google Groups". Personally, i like to use this method as it keeps my drop down browser / history a little cleaner. I use this as a "faster" method to keep my favorites handy i.e. they are right in my drop down.

Once i made it to the "Google Groups", i was able to narrow my search down into various newsgroups i.e. "rec", "alt", "news", "misc", etc... After trying various wording, i was able to find what i was looking for and have since forwarded an email to the concerned party.

Thanks again to those that tried helping. Hopefully, this may help someone else out in the long run also. Sean

PS... I have to wonder why Agon members post for sale ad's in places other than Agon ? I've seen others doing this also, with some of them being quite high profile participants in the forums here. You can't tell me that $2 is going to break someone or that there is another forum that delivers as much exposure for your items as Agon does.

Try this:

1. Go to
2. At the Google groups page, search
3. At the Google groups page for Group:, search for whatever it is that you are looking for, but indicate to "search only in" first.

Hope this helps-

Sean, have you tried as a search site? A computer "type" friend of mine turned me on to this one and does seem give me more info back than Google.
How can one EASILY transfer the entire contents of their "inbox" when using Outlook Express over to a floppy or CD ? Please bare in mind that i AM a computer idiot. If you are going to offer advice, please be prepared to hold my hand all the way through the process : ) Sean