It's the small things that drive you nuts...

Out of curiosity and if you had your choice, would you prefer the power cord or power jack to be on the right, left or center of the chassis of a component ? For sake of clarity, we will assume that you are looking at the back panel when choosing right, left or center. I will assume that we would all prefer to have them situated near the bottom of the chassis and not up towards the top of the back panel, etc...

While i know that this sounds petty, the reason that i ask is that it gets kind of frustrating trying to route power cords around interconnects when some of the power cords come out on opposite sides of the chassis, in the middle, etc... It's almost like manufacturers set it up so that you HAVE TO have a cable mess on purpose. If all products were made using some type of industry standard, it would make things MUCH nicer and neater in terms of being able to route cables, etc... This might not seem like a big deal, but i have 15 power cords to deal with in one system, two different systems with 10 power cords each, 9 in another system, etc... I think you get the idea. Can you feel my pain ??? : ) Sean
When facing the equipment from the front the power cord should be on the left side panel of the chasis. This will leave the back and right side panels free for the interconnect/speaker cables. I believe the Nagra preamps are built along these lines.
I would certainly like to see a standard, and maybe I'm stating the obvious, but every company has a different design theory which leads them to place inputs/outputs in different places...form follows function. I have come to the conclusion I would like a rack that does not have a support bar running down the middle of the back. I want a rack with a completely open back end, and the wire mess can work itself out.
Sean, I'm with you on this cable dressing issue. I think the standard should be two power cord inputs, one right and one left allowing the installer to decide which to use. I also agree with Mdomnick that the back of a system rack should be open. The three leg mentality makes leveling much easier but creates cable dressing issues.
Sean -- it's a major annoyance! If you have a high-end system with multiple outboard power supplies you literally need to carefully position them and map appropriate routes for your various power cords and interconnects. Even when I do my best to strategically locate components in areas of least traffic (as you've said) there always seems to be one or more components that have less than optimal cable routing paths. And if you do manage to do it right, it looks like a mess although it may function wonderfully. That's why whenever I see an uncluttered, clean-looking installation I always feel that things have been compromised for the sake of neatness.

My own tangled mess resides in a finished basement and I can't imagine any "significant other" allowing such an arrangement in a nice living room.

I have often thought of doing things to scale down the complexity of the "web," like not bi-amping and using a one-box CD player or a full-function preamp, but I've come too far for that...

NAY! I say! I am actually proud of my strategically-positioned power supplies, and my various make-shift cable bridges and my interconnect clover-leafs. It took me too long to plan and construct my intricate road system and now it holds a certain sentimental attachment for me.

But wouldn't it be great if all the cables that comprised one's unique super-highway system were exactly the right length... and if adding that one extra component didn't screw up 3 others!!!
Happy Holiday ALL,
Being a home theater guy, I'd be glad to give up power cord position for a HT amp with speaker terminals in the front. I think it would help reduce the rats nest in the back of the rack and allow us to shorten our speaker cables. Shorter speaker cables without having to lenghten the IC's seems like a good thing?