Is an eight sided oval room acoustically correct?

I was in the process of building a 13 foot by 17 foot stereo sound room when I got an idea. Why not avoid 90 degree walls with four smaller walls? This will create an eight sided oval room. Won't this avoid the need for bass traps? I know that traditional room corners accentuate bass resonance. What do you think about this solution?
Red, I am also building a room, as you may know because you pointed me in the direction of some books. But, while researching this I ran across a site in the Audiogon archives:
These guys built a room with diagonal corners that were built-in bass traps. They looked good and appear effective at dealing with the issues of resonant node, "bass peaks" etc.
I am still trying to find a good answer to my problem of room dimensions. I have this much room to work with 15x 26. I keep getting confusing info on the best dimension to minimize resonant modes. It appears that 10x15x21 is the answer, but am still waiting for feedback.
good luck
Rives, thanks. I understand that the dots won't change that issue. It's a compromose I have to live with.My image is suprisingly good though.I know I can't have stats or Maggies in here. Perhaps the BIG plant in the window
acts as enough of a defuser to help some of it. It's an Anderson window with a 4 1/2' picture window and two doubble hung windows set on a 45, the bay is 8' wide and 22" deep. I have wondered if two small tube traps set at the edges of the picture window might help.
Maxgain: The tube traps will help. The other option would be to use heavy drapes but just close them enough so that the angled portions of the window are hidden from view. Then the plant does help with diffusion and you've minimized if not eliminated the bay window focussing issue. The drapes would probably look nicer than the tube traps and might get siginificantly better spousal approval ratings.
Thanks Rives. The damn plant is so big that it sticks out two feet out into the room, so curtains are out. My wife already thinks I'm nuts and since this is the basicly the Hi Fi room she doesn't say much about what I do in here.
This is more or less my room. I am the one that isn't into uglying it up. It's nice to have a listening space that isn't so bizare looking that no one but me feels comfortable in it. I would probably choose the 9" full rounds in a light fabric so they wouldn't call a lot of attention to themselves.

Have you seen the Golden Sound Acoustic discs? Odd little critters. I wonder if they work?
Haven't seen those. I have seen some descent pruning sheers at home depot though:)