Anyone have modem problems with this site?

This is my most visited website but am experiencing modem problems when on it. I keep having to reset my cable modem to stay online. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. Maybe the problem is with my system but I don't have the trouble with other sites and I love this website.
No problem for me, using ATT cable and RCA cable modem (new). If your modem is leased, ask your ISP to replace it.
I've had the same problem. I've been in touch with
my ISP, AT&T Broadband, and with Motorola, the maker
of the cable modem. Periodically it will "lock up"
and disable my network connectivity. I can't even
access e-mail or newsgroups. Powering down the computer
and rebooting does no good. The only answer is to
disconnect the power cord on the modem and let the
modem reset. It seems to happen most frequently when
sending a response to a forum posting. I just had my
cable modem replaced last month.

NOTE: I just tried the first time to send this message,
and my system locked up again. I had to power down the
modem and let it reset.
Exactly the same problem that I have. I probably have the same Motorola modem (SB4200 Surfboard). Like a dummy, I bought my own.
DAMMIT, I had to do it to post this.