Anyone have modem problems with this site?

This is my most visited website but am experiencing modem problems when on it. I keep having to reset my cable modem to stay online. Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. Maybe the problem is with my system but I don't have the trouble with other sites and I love this website.
Exactly the same problem that I have. I probably have the same Motorola modem (SB4200 Surfboard). Like a dummy, I bought my own.
DAMMIT, I had to do it to post this.
Lately I've been having the same thing, I'm still running Windows 98 se and I'm going to go to xp to see if that helps.
If I run netstat in dos when it starts to slow down, there are a lot of old connections that don't release so I have to reboot to get rid of them and then I'm fine .
I had the same problem also. I asked AudiogoN about my problem and they replied that I was unique. I changed from an ethernet input to a standard input-no more lockups, but a slower running web.
Is everyone who has the problem using a Motorola cable modem? My windows version is ME and many people complain about it. I may switch to NT/XP.