
Goose Bumps!

OK, the electrician just left my house after installing three dedicated AC lines, 1-15, & 2-20s. All I can say is Whoah! Cannot believe what I am hearing after the first 5 CDs. Everything in my system changed, well almost. Dynamics, effortless power, smoother but not the mellow kind of smoother, soundstage became wider, more real sounding, more like the musicians are in the room and not just a good sounding studio recording. I even opened up my 1960s Gibson Les Paul and jammed to Ronnie Earl and the Broadcasters, The Colour of Love CD, that’s how excited I got, sorry my Marshall 50 watt half stack is in storage for now. You should hear Pat Barber’s Café Blue, I am hearing details that I heard before but not like this, I think I can hear her lips coming apart on song umber 6; Wood is a Pleasant Thing, no really. You know the sound when your lips are moist and you open them up. I thought my system sounded good before but this is something new. I am glad I did this before upgrading my AC and speaker cables. I may have to rethink some of these. My Sony SCD-777ES does not have a hint of edginess anymore. The bass guitar on Ode to Billy Joe is so much more dynamic and real sounding, it sounds more like it is in my room then a good recording of one. If you play acoustic guitar and you slide you fingers on the strings and get the screech, I have always heard this sound very natural on my system but it did not sound like it was in the room (although I thought it did) until now, you know if you play guitar what I am describing here. The musicians seem to be more in the room than coming from within the speakers (the only way I can explain it at this moment). Cymbals are very crisp and natural, the snare drum sounds like the old 60s snare drum sound, with a real snap, I pulled out my old Rogers drum set also and compared, eerie.

Anyway, for you foolish audiophiles who are changing your cables and such, this was the best upgrade that I can recommend to you before buying any component or cable, etc. It cost me $225 for the three lines, and I have heard as much as $125 a line. So for $375, you would have to spend more than that on three AC cords, ICs and speaker cables. I know, I have the AZ Holograms here for an audition with the Audience and Shunyata speaker cables. I will post a review in about three or four weeks.

To all of the Agoners who replied to my forum post on Electrician coming over, you know who you are, we all do, and who put up with my endless questions, I wish I could buy you all a drink right now, hey it is only 11 am. The biggest thanks that I can give you is from my heart. You guys (gals???) are the greatest for taking the time to help me with all of this. Foolish I am no more!

Gotta go listen, I haven’t felt this way in a very long time!!!

Happy Listening.


Song 11 on Pat Barber is playing in the back ground with the drum solo and cymbals crashing, Whoah!
Question, I believe I have what is essentially a dedicated line seeing that the only other things this line serves are an overhead foyer light (incandescent) and two outlets in the garage that are seldom used for anything. Can I somehow get this particular line it's own dedicated ground with a minimum of fuss? What benefit would I receive from installing multiple lines? I am using ACME cryro outlets, which provided a major upgrade. Where can I go next to optimize my power? I do not use a line conditioner, but have high quality power cords. TIA
Are you using cryoed outlets? If not, toss a few in and get ready for a whole new list of descriptors!
I agree dedicated circuits are well worth the effort. I to was skeptical but just like you I am now a believer. Although my experience was not as dramatic as yours there was a noticeable improvement. I have not tried any of the cryo'd outlets that I keep hearing about but I did go with PS Audio power ports and felt they were a definite upgrade to my standard Pass & Seymour hospital grades. Happy Listening.

Peter, keep in mind that you are not done yet. You now have the dedicated lines but you still have pretty much the same AC noise going thru those lines. Except for any digital noise from your cdp which is pretty isolated now I assume.

Therefore, you may wish to consider some good power conditioners to filter out that noise.

The improvements found in the power/line conditioners could perhaps almost equal the improvements you discovered today with the dedicated lines. Depending of course on the type of line conditioner you obtain.

After you install line conditioners, you'll have to come up with a whole new volcabulary of adjectives.