How to handle Clicks and pops

I recently upgraded my Meridian 508.20 to 24 bit (Bow Wazoo integrated amplifier and Sonus Faber Grand Piano Speakers). Sometimes when listening to music, I get clicks or pops in the music (both left and right speakers). It does not happen all the time but I do not like it. What does this mean and what can I do to fix it? Could the problem be with the Meridian 24 upgrade? Could the problem be with the amplifier, speakers or CD's? Thanks
Thanks for the info. The pops and clicks are from my dig source (Meridian 508.24). I will check on the grounding and also on the CD's. If it continues, I will take the unit back to my Meridian Retailer as you suggested. cheers..
It could be the furnace, refrigerator, fluorescent lights (in another part of your domicile) being switched on and off. Check the CD, I have remasters that were done from very old records with all the pops and clicks inherent in the source. Keep working on it! You will find it sooner or later.

My friend had a problem like this. His output voltage from the DVD player he was using was too high for the pre.amp. input.