Tips needed for best FM reception

i have a magnum dynalab etude fm tuner and would like to maxamize my fm listening a roof mounted dipole the way to go or can you get satifactory results with an indoor unit? about the dynalab sleuth and their dipole.....any help will be GREATLY appreciated....thanx
In my experience a roof antenna is best. Those small indoor ones are OK, but are still a compromise.

I actually have don't have a dipole. I have a large FM antenna that looks like a TV antenna. It picks up everything. --- It cost $73.08 --- I have it up under the roof in the unfinished attic; so no ugly things on the house roof line.

You can see it here at this link...


You can add two things in addition to the antenna recommended by Sugarbrie. As this is a directional antenna you will want a rotor which will allow you to point the antenna at the station(s) location and (2) If you still have some weak signals you want to hear, get a Magnum Sleuth from MagnaDynalab. It not only allows you to amplify the incoming signal, it allows you to attenuate those that are too srong. You can also tune out adjacent interferring signals. And if your really ambitious you can stack antennas but i think that would really be overkill for most.
Yes the rotor is a good idea for some. I just happen to live in an area where most of the good stations are north. Being south of Washington DC puts that metro area and Baltimore's metro area in almost a straight line.