two dedicated lines into one duplex outlet

i am setting up 4 dedicated lines; two 20 amp and two 15 amp. I'll be using Hubbell 5362 outlets. Can i place individual lines into each of the receptacles? Can the ground be isolated for each line on a particular outlet or the two lines on that outlet would have to share the ground? Does it matter? Should i keep the same amperage lines on the same duplex outlet? I'll be using 10/2 and 12/2 romex for the 20-amp and 15-amp lines respectively. Thanks for your input!

I only have two components now, a cdp and a power amp, but i may add other digital and/or analog gear in the future. I may also in the future change to mono amps from a stereo amp. Now if as zippyy says, " why should it matter if in the end all the power is still coming from one place" then i should indeed only have two or may be three lines at the most since it is then not a matter of noise reduction but of current availability only. The noise reduction would then be better addressed post outlet. Does that may any sense? Thanks.
Aponte: Zippy needs help...

There's actually four steps to this subject:

1) power delivery
2) power filtration
3) preventing cross contamination of filtered power
4) not ruining the music in the process.

Since you are thinking of monoblocks (way to go) I would use two double dedicated lines in two cryo'ed outlets. Deano recommends THHN cable rated for underground burial, since the insulation is tightly bound. Makes sense to me. By keeping dedicated lines for each single component, steps one and three are addressed.

Lak should be getting the DeZorel
filter this coming week. We plan to do a serious shootout of all our equipment and post the results in the ongoing DeZorel thread in Audiocircle.

I am setting up my power delivery/noise filtration as best as I can. Vibration affects electricity and I'm working on dealing with this problem. Performance has improved tremendously!

Thanks! I'll be keepimg an eye on that thread on the Zorel piece. Question, does it make sense to connect my Krell fpb 300cx amp to any type of post outlet power treatment device rather than directly to the outlet of its own 20-amp dedicated line?
What is best for your Krell? That depends on the noise floor in your lines, more than anything else. I suggested you sending the stock power cord to a good cryo facility (still waiting for finding a cost effective place) and installing a Highwire Wirewrap. That will be really good and won't adversely affect the music.

Being capacitor based, the DeZorel is able to handle big power amps without constraining dynamics--that's one of their strong points. Also, the buffering capacity of the capacitor bank serves as the surge protector. It also uses a thermal circuit breaker.

Now that you mention it, I will set up the dedicated 110V line for the clothes washer with a cryo'ed receptacle and test my spare amp (Proton AA-1150) and the DeZorel there. Lak also has a beefy Legacy amp he can try...