What is everyone using for dedicated AC lines???

I need to buy some dedicated AC cable.

What is everyone using? Romex?

I want the best performance, I will tear out the cable when I leave the house. If its not up to code, oh well, I'd rather have better performance anyways.

I thought about 10/3 Romex for the amp and 12/3 for the CD/Preamp.

What do you think?

Please, no arguements over this I need to buy cable ASAP!
Look who's talking Albert and Sean. I haven't seen you guys in the forums in months. By the way great pics of CES this year Albert :^)

I've been real busy fixing up my house, but I still browse Audiogon on a daily bases.

Got to go, I'm doing my lay out for a tile floor in the entry way

One thing I didn't mention; the maximum ampere rating of a conductor (table 310-16 of the NEC) is just the starting point in calculating the correct size. There are other factors that have to be addressed which will lower the ampere rating of a conductor (i.e. ambient temperature, number of wires in a conduit, length of run)

Glen: You haven't been looking too well then. While Albert shows up from time to time in threads, i know that he's doing more reading than posting. As for me, i never shut up. Then again, you probably already knew that : ) Sean
I climbed my utility pole in the dead of night to run dedicated twisted effective 7awg to the transformer and was blown to bits. I am a ghost sent here to warn you not to try it.