shatki holographs

For those that have experienced these, do they really work? If they do , do they treat they entire audible frequency spectrum? Can they be DIY effectively? How do they compare to other acoustic room treatments? Thanks.
Yes, they can be done DIY. Quite easily if you have the woodworking tools and appropriate skills. Others have made them DIY and they reported very good results.

I trust that you are not in any way related to Shakti innovations or Bob Piazza! Could you elaborate on your experince with the Halograph? I do appreciate your honest input. Thanks.


I have been following a thread about the Halograph on the audio circle were they talk about DIY. But it appears as though none of the participants have actually tried them or possibly seen them in person to understand if there is anything special about them that must be known for effective duplication. Also, they talk about using different materials ( MDF,etc) that would take you ~80% of the way to the Halograph. Well isn't our goal on the pursiut of the highest quality sound to get from the 80'ish% that can be relatively easily achieved to closer to that elusive "nirvana" of perfect harmony. In any case, these discussions are great and the only way to do justice to either product would be a side-by-side comparison.Thanks.

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