In response to 11-28-03: Psychicanimal
Robert from Star Sound Technologies, LLC here as I feel the need to respond and request that a correct understanding and terminology be employed here.
This cult image and proper name calling as some of the members here have assigned to our clients is rather absurd and intellectually incorrect wouldnt one think? Shall we call our clients audiocults or philecults or better yet - Starcults?
We have manufactured the Audio Points® product for fifteen years as they remain the oldest surviving yet flourishing retail product of its kind in this industry. Sistrum Platforms are a well defined advancement of that invention. Would not all these Audio Point clients be labeled cultists as well? That would mean there are now over 80,000 satisfied cult members out there, somewhere.
Plus, let us not forget to include some of the finest writers and editors in our industry who review and employ our products within their reference rooms, shall we label them and their publications as cultists too?
We always relate to our clients as passionate listening enthusiasts or even more so our very good friends. In order to achieve such a high standard amongst these people, who always seem to rally around each other, you must first have to provide them a product that musters all that energy, vitality and musical feel and always be there to answer all of their questions maintaining customer service as the premium product within our inventories.
We do take a very personal offense to this on-going negative correlation between our products and clients who favor them. Therefore we request that this name association stop. We value our clients reputations and recognize them as some of the keenest listeners in the world.
Please do not associate our clients or products again with the term cult.
Thank you and as always Good Listening!
Robert Maicks
Star Sound Technologies, LLC
Robert from Star Sound Technologies, LLC here as I feel the need to respond and request that a correct understanding and terminology be employed here.
This cult image and proper name calling as some of the members here have assigned to our clients is rather absurd and intellectually incorrect wouldnt one think? Shall we call our clients audiocults or philecults or better yet - Starcults?
We have manufactured the Audio Points® product for fifteen years as they remain the oldest surviving yet flourishing retail product of its kind in this industry. Sistrum Platforms are a well defined advancement of that invention. Would not all these Audio Point clients be labeled cultists as well? That would mean there are now over 80,000 satisfied cult members out there, somewhere.
Plus, let us not forget to include some of the finest writers and editors in our industry who review and employ our products within their reference rooms, shall we label them and their publications as cultists too?
We always relate to our clients as passionate listening enthusiasts or even more so our very good friends. In order to achieve such a high standard amongst these people, who always seem to rally around each other, you must first have to provide them a product that musters all that energy, vitality and musical feel and always be there to answer all of their questions maintaining customer service as the premium product within our inventories.
We do take a very personal offense to this on-going negative correlation between our products and clients who favor them. Therefore we request that this name association stop. We value our clients reputations and recognize them as some of the keenest listeners in the world.
Please do not associate our clients or products again with the term cult.
Thank you and as always Good Listening!
Robert Maicks
Star Sound Technologies, LLC