Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
Pubul57- You can pretty much expect that with any similar thread. It's kind of like asking a large, diverse group of individuals; if you could only have one food for the rest of yourl life (assuming you could survive that way), which food would it be. I'd bet there'd be a diversity of answers there as well. Or, in the other variation on the thread; What's the "best" flavor of ice cream? Viva la difference! You say "tomato" and I say, er, well, I guess I say "tomato" too. You get my meaning. Oh, and chocolate is the best flavor of ice cream in case you were wondering about that.

I am asking myself if the CAT JL-3 TUBE POWER AMPS will be good match for my Dynaudio Temptations speakers? I have no doubts about quality but I dont know if there is enough power for this very powerfull speakers?! I will buy and forget about power amp for a very long time.Another amps which I have in my mind are: Lamm M1.2 or M2.2,Tenor HP 300 and Pass Labs X-600. What do you mean about my problem?
Thanks and Happy New year 2005
I've had my Quad IIs since 1981 -still use them in my main system. I've had them rebuilt twice by Quad first and then GT Audio (manufacturer of Tron high end tube amps). They now sport phono sockets instead of the 6 pin Jones plugs and have separate power cords (not reliant on Quad 22 for power). I've bought enough NOS valves to last until I'm 70 - reckon my hearing might not be so good then. Even if I upgrade, I'll probably hang onto them.

My current system is
Platine Verdier, Schroeder Model 2, Allaerts MC1B
Verdier Control B tube preamp plus dedicated valve rectified PSU (soon to be upgraded to Tron Meteor)
Avantgarde Duos 2.2
oh and my old Meridian 206B!