Rather than go through the hassle of repeated trials with a bunch of humans (audiophiles, even!), it'd be easier to just set up a RatShack mic on a tripod and run the S'phile or other 1/3 octave bass warble tracks and compare the curves with and without the added speaker "traps" (which is predominantly what they'll be, I suspect). Who knows, you may get smoother response after some experimentation!
After pondering Twl's telly-on-the-table trick, I wonder if it isn't the 1" diaphragm that's operative here, but the altered total reflective package in the upper mids...ESPECIALLY off a hard horizontal surface near the listener, that's changed their responses. I too doubt that it could be constructive/destructive waveform in the bass, but just a normal change in the diffraction mix when you start tossing stuff around the cofeetable type thing...especially hard-edged solids. Again, this could be measured, but is trickier as you have to be more careful to keep the effects of hand and head movements cloned in repeated trials in the uppermids. So I think Twl's customers heard something, but related to the phone's CASE, not its SPEAKER! Cheers. Ern
After pondering Twl's telly-on-the-table trick, I wonder if it isn't the 1" diaphragm that's operative here, but the altered total reflective package in the upper mids...ESPECIALLY off a hard horizontal surface near the listener, that's changed their responses. I too doubt that it could be constructive/destructive waveform in the bass, but just a normal change in the diffraction mix when you start tossing stuff around the cofeetable type thing...especially hard-edged solids. Again, this could be measured, but is trickier as you have to be more careful to keep the effects of hand and head movements cloned in repeated trials in the uppermids. So I think Twl's customers heard something, but related to the phone's CASE, not its SPEAKER! Cheers. Ern