Remasters: what and why

Could someone explain exactly what remastering does and why some remastered Cds like Dire Straights Brothers in Arms sounds incredible and others like Jethro Tulls Benefit sound as irritating as it always did?
Shortly saying, you can't make a honey out of dump. If the original master tape was done wright, than you can master and if neccessary, remaster with better quality.
Why: many times "greed." I have some remasters that are poorer sounding than the originals! They are not always what they are cracked up to be.
The other ingredient of the "remasters" is who is doing the remastering. Is it some guy that really likes the music or does he just do it for the sale. It really all comes down to his ear and taste. I find the Mobile Fidelity, Classic records, Rhino, and I can't remeber the group that did the CCR re-masters. But those lables seem to be putting out the best products.