Please help. I have crosstalk...

In my bedroom system,I have an Audio Refinement Complete integrated amp with my T.V. plugged into aux and cdp/DVD player plugged into CD.When I have a CD playing,but setting is on Aux where T.V. is, I can hear the CD coming through.Is there anything that I can do to eliminate this crosstalk? It's not a major problem, but psychologically, I know the crosstalk is there. Thanks for your recommendations.
Thanks Sean. I would imagine that you are right. I had read that some of the earlier ARC models had this minor problem, so I might contact the manufacturer to talk to them about it.I appreciate your input.I can live with it if I have to. The sound of this little integrated amp is something special.
Sherod: Sometimes using "rca shunts" on the unused inputs can solve this problem, sometimes it does nothing and sometimes it makes things worse. For the cost of some el-cheapo Rat Shack RCA's and a bit of solder, you can find out for yourself : ) Sean

PS... These only go in unused INPUTS !!!
Good idea, Sean. I'll give the RCA shunts a try.They should make a slight improvement at the least.
Sherod: Just wondering if you had a chance to try the shunts out and if they helped at all? Sean
Yes, Sean. Shunts worked. Unit is very quiet these days. Thanks so much for the info.