Digital Direct TV vs HD via Cable

Will be getting an LCD TV. I have cable with the option to receive HD television with the purchase of their cable box and a fee per month. I may also be able to (they have to send someone to evalutate) get Direct Digital TV. Which one should I go with? Pros and cons? I'd appreciate the feedback. peace, warren
This weather thing related to Direct TV is going to be the deal nixer. Snow on dish? Heavey rain? This is a drag, and seeing that the dish may have to go on top of my roof: not a good thing. Not a big TV watcher, but do like to watch DVDs. No problem with reception, there. Thanks for your feedback guys. I'm staying with my cable service and their HDTV package. If the HD picture (unlikely -neighborhood friends love it) ) does not deliver, I'll check into the Direct TV package.
Just finished my usual 5 mile run. This time, I ran through my town looking for dishes. LOTS! This, is a good thing. My neighborhood is really quite unique, being on the ocean and surrounded on the other sides by water, as well. Only one way in and out of town. If there's a lot of dishes that must mean something. I'll knock on a few doors and see. Many, have the dish near the top of their chimney. Snow melt? That's, a good thing. Got some homework to do. thanks again, warren
If comparing satelite networks, (Direct TV vs Dish Network) check into the dish angles for your locality. Where I live, Direct TV has an elevation angle of 30 degrees, whereas the Dish Network needs 11 degrees. (I don't know why they are different, since all the satelites are in synchronous 22,000 mile orbits). Anyway, 30 degrees makes it a lot easier to see over trees and other obstructions.
You are right about all the video sat services being in geosync orbit over the equator, but... The difference in elevation angle relates to which equatorial slot the licensee has. If the satellite is longitudinally equatorial, but latitudinally coincident with the pacific ocean, an Wash. DC viewer is going to have to use a significantly lower elevation angle to "see" that satellite as compared to one that is latitudinally coincident with DC.

I think both services' websites have calculators for zip codes to show you the direction/azimuth for their sats for your area. (I think Echostar requires two dishes for "full" service, inc. HD channels; DirecTV requires three satellites, but due to their orbital slots, you should be able to get away with a single elliptical dish with 3 LNBs--if you want the bulk of the HD stuff, you need the third LNB). Then you need to get on your roof with a compass, a protractor, a level, and a drinking straw. ; )

I think people use their chimneys for mounting b/c its easier than drilling holes through your roof, and generally its also the best high unobstructed view.
The best picture is over the air HD and its free..Hd network off air decoded thru a sat box looks better than cable network hd..At a store I ran we could abcd Direct TV, Dish, Insight cable, and off air hd going thru the tv's built in hd tuner..Tom