Lovan Sovereign racks, thoughts?

I am considering getting a Lovan Sovereign rack. I was wonder what thoughts, good or bad, that any of you with experience with these racks might have? The rack I'm using now is garbage and really meant for the mass market stuff.
I use the Sovereign racks ... I have filled the posts with #9 shot ... I think they are great. I bought an "amp stand" and used that as the lowest shelf in the rack so that the bottom shelf was 4" instead of 8" off the floor.
The only issue I had with mine was the triangular posts. The one in in the middle back interfered with some interconnects and power cords on some of my deeper componints.
I use Lovan Sovereign racks on my mega-buck reference system. In general, they are great as long as they’re "prep'ed" to overcome a major design flaw: the horizontal members have holes underneath instead of on top. When you fill them with lead, you must wrap the square tubing with something like black duct tape or electrical tape to keep the lead shot inside. Wrap - do not just tape - around the holes. I made the mistake of simply taping the bottom with small pieces of duct tape. It held for almost 3 years and then one piece gave out to cover my floor and components with lead shot. I was able to neatly wrap electrical tape around the horizontal members and it doesn’t look too bad.
The legs of the stand are OK for larger gauge shot but stay away from sand! Instead of seal welding the bottom plates to the legs, Lovan chose to spot weld them; so to avoid turning your room into a sandbox, use lead shot. With the legs and horizontal tubing full of lead, the rack is among the best you can find in terms of performance and beauty.