What's involved in dedicated lines

Can those who know explain what is involved in adding dedicated lines. I understand the concept and do not run dedicated lines now. My house was built in the late 50's with limited attic clearance and the outlets for my system are not easy to get to as they are behind a built in cabinet which houses all my stereo/ht equip. I want to know what an electrician would need to do from the panel to the outlets in order to install dedicated lines. I should add that my panel has fuses, not circuit breakers.
Agreed . But not if you've ever seen the Charlie video. When you work at an oil refinery, safety is beaten into your head on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis.

Electricity is an incredible thing that we can't easily do without. How it works can be a mystery and a marvel. When you need to move it from point A to point B, then things get serious. When it gets angry and trys to go to places it's not supposed to - and that's it's natural inclination -then it's ugly offspring rear their heads: Arc Flash, Fire, and Burns.