looking for the right power conditioner

I would be grateful for feedback re: a power conditioner for my modest but satisfying system.
It is: Omega Super 3's on Sklan stands,Almarro 5w s.e.amp,modified Philips 963sa and Analysis plus and DH labs cables-
I live in NYC-old building, I have probably around 200-300 to spend on something(used or new)- any ideas?
thanks so much-
Yes, there is a power conditioner that is pretty good in this price range: Blue Circle Noise Hound. $110! My friend has this & uses it for the front-end & TVC pre. He likes it a lot. His amps go into the PS Audio Ultimate Outlet. Here is the website:

I've tried the Blue Circle Noise Hounds before, and it unfortunately, had rolled off the highs noticably.

I've just installed 3 Quantam ElectroClears and they have cleaned up my AC lines quite well. It had increased the soundstage, firmed up the bass, and removed any glare associated with digital sound. There were also no tradeoffs made within the system.

I am extremely pleased with the improvements.
That's good news, Ckturtle. If I may ask, what did it do for the highs?

And per chance, did it do anything to elminate or minimize negative sibilance?