Bryston article on transformers - Part 2

The current Bryston newsletter has "Part 2" of their article on transformer design, and compares "EI" transformers to toroids. The two articles are well written without being overly technical. Here is the link to "Part 2":
Interesting read. I will say this that in my experience, I have had less hum problems from the EI transformers than the toroids-strange. I assume Bryston uses these.
My past Belles toriod was relatively loud at times as was the Parasound JC1's toroids. The Parasound transformers were especially loud with any dimmers or other electrical stuff going on.\My Ayre V5x uses an EI and it is dead silent. It is also the quietest amp I have used-period.
Where's "part 1" at? I'd like to read that before reading part 2. I somehow missed it if it was previously posted. Sean
Hi, Sean:

"Part 1" of the article was published in the previous edition of Bryston's online newsletter. You can access all of the previous issues of the newsletter from the Bryston home page (, or simply use this link to go directly to the previous issue:

Best regards,

Scott C-