Need Help with Hum

I have a Krell 400cx, Krell KPS-25sc, Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista SACD, CAST cables, Von Gaylord Chinchilla ICs, Siltech Power cords, Siltech speaker cables, Rotel power conditioner, JM Lab Mini-Utopia, JM Lab Sub.

The system was working perfectly; not a spec of hum, dead silence.
I installed separate 30 amp and two 20 amp lines for the system, Hubbell outlets, and ran the wires below the floor to the outlets. IT all works but now the system has a faint hum but only when the Krell KPS preamp/CD is on.

Can anyone help me as to a starting point to diagnose the problem?
I am most appreciative. The work was done by an electrician who specializes in these kinds of home-tech installations and will also try to address it but I thought I would also ask all for ideas.
You guys are great. I printed out all your suggestions and will discuss with the electrician. I will only fiddle with wires myself as a last resort. Thank you so much. This is why I love this sport.

The polarity checker for checking to make sure the wires are correct only costs 5 bucks and you just plug it in, I'd do this to make sure they are right. Besides you can check the other outlets in your house while you're at it. I had a similar issue and it was just that my wiring mess behind my system needed to be better organized.
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