which solder do you recommend?

I am about to embark on a journey of building a pair of Audio Note kit 2 speakers and will need to solder some Audio Note Lexus copper stranded wire from the crossover to the drivers.

I do not care about price.

What is the best sounding solder in this situation?

Any soldering tips would be appreciated as I am a rookie.

I plan on buying a heat sink and Weller soldering iron.

thanks everyone...

I just got done using WBT's silver solder and it has worked out great for me. It has an extremely low melting point(180 C) and the most pure silver by content in the solder mix. My modest Audioquest Corals are singing now!!!
Thank you Krwman007

After everyone's response which I am sure are valid in their own way I have decided to default to Sean's recommendation of the Wonder solder. I know Sean to be really thorough (evidence above) and an all around good choice (if I can find the darn stuff).

That said does anyone know where I can find some in the .031 guage? The smaller quantity the better.

I have done the usual google searches but no luck. Part of my problem is that I do not understand all the lingo etc....


Phil: I appreciate your kind words and vote of confidence, but i never meant to imply that Wonder was the only suitable choice. There are many in the industry that like and use WBT, Cardas, Ersin, Kester, etc... I stressed the values of Wonder in this thread for those that may not be skilled solderers now and / or those that seek similar advice in the future via consulting the archives. If you do some checking, you'll also find that Chris of VH Audio also recommends Wonder Solder for those that are building his cabling that are less skilled but prefers to use WBT as his "reference solder". Personally, i've never used WBT solder but have read many testimonies as to how well it works.

Having said that, i'm quite certain that Wonder will perform up to any and all of your expectations should you choose to go that route. I don't personally have any Wonder at this time or i would forward some to you. The reason for not having any on hand after speaking so highly of it? That's simple. I've used it all : )

I do have Cardas, Ersin eutectic and the Kester silver formulation mentioned above. I can forward you a quantity of both should you like. Otherwise, Michael Percy Audio sells various quantities of Wonder. Sean