9 gauge vs 12 gauge Jumper of same brand cable

Hi, I am contemplating of getting same brand cable's Jumper to replace the stock jumper of my spkr. My spkr cable is Analysis Plus Oval 9 (9 gauge ). I am wondering should I go for AP Oval 12-jumper(12 gauge) which is not as THICK and easier to attach to spkr binding post , or get
the Oval 9-Jumper (9 gauge)? Would there be any significant sonic differences between using them ?? (would Oval 9 jumper sounding better than Oval 12 ? especially on Bass region ???)
Your opinion,explaination and suggestions is highly appreciated and thanks in advance
In setup D, the jumper brass plate was not in the picture.
Yes, two pairs of identical cable running parallel.
On the amp side, there is only one set of output, we use banana plugs for the convenience to stack them.
On the speaker side, we run bare wire to each upper and lower binding post.
Hi,S23chang .
just for my better understanding- Is the Setup D the exact same as "Discrete Biwiring"?