
This is probably a stupid question but, why is there such a hype over upsampling when it goes well past the audible range?
I'm not sure of the science, but it works. I believe that Seandtaylor99 above does a commendable job of an explanation. I recently installed an upsampler on a CD player (AH! 4000) that I was already familiar with and pleased with. The change was dramatic, though it's been taking a while to break in.

Hi Dave,
my wife would get it because we're both engineers ! In fact we often have nerd type conversations regarding audio, even though she's not interested in hifi, and she calls me a geek whenever I tinker with my system.

By the way I've never known the difference between upsampling and oversampling .... I suspect that they may be the same thing, but that the marketroids decided that upsampling is a more marketable term.

As an engineer I must say .... "Damn those marketroids !".
See Goldy! Not a stupid question after all. The current top of the line Zanden Dac/transport retails for $43,440.00. It doesn't up sample or over sample. Straight red-book only. Seantaylor99 mentions a filter and brick wall. The Zanden claimes better sound with out this filter and brick wall.
It's all above my head. I just listen to what sounds best to me in my price range and go for it.
As far as the audio enthusiast is concerned there is no difference between oversampling & upsampling.
However, from an engineering perspective, there is a technical difference: oversampling is a repeat operation where the input data is simply read at the higher rate again & again (i.e. oversampling ratio). As you well know, this creates an aliased signal that repeats every Fs. In upsampling we zero-stuff & later use a digital filter to estimate what the values of the zero-stuffed samples should be. In this case, too, the operation creates aliased signals that repeat every Fs. So, in both cases we need a digital filter to attenuate the aliased signal & preserve the audio spectrum. This digital filter can be the same for oversampling & upsampling! Thus, these 2 operations really look very similar. FWIW.