I just got back from 6 years in the UK. Rather than run stuff on a step down transformer, I had my line stage (Audio Research), DAC and CD transport (Classe) and amplifier (Bryston) converted at the respective manufacturer to 230V 50hz. Cost was about $100 USD per unit to do it this way and I'm doing it again now that I'm back in the States. It's definitely worth selling your gear over there rather than bringing it back (my mistake).
As for DVD's, buy a universal zone player over there. A cheapie will work fine. That way you can watch your US DVD's and buy/rent local DVD's. I didn't find that Region 1 DVD's to be easily available without paying more. If you still must have a VCR, buy one which can handle multi formats. They're cheap and readily available on the internet.
If you're going to be in a Spanish city, don't take too much stuff over as you'll be spending your time exploring the culture and traveling. Travel light and if you really need it, buy it over there. Unless you're out in the country-side, you'll be in a flat with neighbors and space is tight.
As for the job, nothing to think about. Go for it. I went over for 2 years and ended up staying for 6. My wife and I loved the experience and spent all our time and money on travel and food.