Building Watt/puppy clone

I am planing on building Wilson watt/puppy clone speaker. I now this question belongs on the DIY pages, but i was curious if somebody attempted such a project, and the expirience.
Carl, can you realy hear to 20kHz? Have you been tested by a medical professional or audiologist that does hearing exams. I used to have pretty good hearing, enough that the old 19 kHz Admeco ultrasonic motion detectors that were used in the late 60's and early seventites would just about instantly give me a headache when they got turned on. Of course, I was only 18-20 at the time, I always thought my hearing was excellent. So, give yourself a test. Get a good pair of headphones, and an HP 3325 signal generator (or equivalent) and sweep through the range to see where your hearing falls off. Don't use extreme power levels, even if your can't hear it, it could cause warming of the soft ear tissues. This gave me a good wake up call, I'm 48 and little over 16 kHz is about it, sadly enough. Well, thanks for the conversation. /Paul
Paul, yes. I thought I already covered this above. My Maggies and a test CD say I can hear a 20 kHz signwave, referenced to a 1 kHz sinewave at about 79 dB on a radio shack SPL meter, in the listening seat. Of course, the 1 kHz tone sounds pretty loud at 79 dB, and the 20 kHz tone sounds several dB quieter, but I can still hear it easily, along with the accompanying intermodulation waveforms that must accompany such a waveform, in the redbook format. The 20 kHz tone sounds much "dirtier" than even the 19 kHz tone, though. The 18 and below ones sound very clean on my CD50.
If you really want to build a nice DIY speaker look at the Focal TLR Towers. The TLR tweeter is much less harsh than the other Focal tweeters, but cost about $450 each. I built a pair of the towers and love them. Good luck!
The guy at Zalytron has an attitude problem. I like the best soft dome tweeters, like the Revelator and Esotar.
LOL Carl! Your right, Elliot has a very big attitude. I have had many successes working with him though. His 1 1/2" think MDF cabinets are beautify. As far as tweeters my personal prefference is still the TLR over the Revelator and Esotar. (Yes I have actually listened to them) Another favorite DIY place of mine is Michael Percy Audio. Great caps, inductors, etc...