Building Watt/puppy clone

I am planing on building Wilson watt/puppy clone speaker. I now this question belongs on the DIY pages, but i was curious if somebody attempted such a project, and the expirience.
LOL Carl! Your right, Elliot has a very big attitude. I have had many successes working with him though. His 1 1/2" think MDF cabinets are beautify. As far as tweeters my personal prefference is still the TLR over the Revelator and Esotar. (Yes I have actually listened to them) Another favorite DIY place of mine is Michael Percy Audio. Great caps, inductors, etc...
I like the large gauge North Creek inductors very much. Michael Percy needs his own website. I can buy all the MDF I like, it's cheap...the problem is building these things. Takes a lot of time, but it'll be worth it. I hope to get someone to manufacture a couple of these some day.
Carl, thank you for the information about This is a great resource for anyone in the DIY market.
Zalytron has versions of their Aria 5 that use Raven and Accuton tweeters (no ringing) that are excellent designs that you may want to check. Also Kimon Bellas is a very nice guy and great designer(Orca Systems)who might be able to help you design speakers for your requirements. Good luck.