Audio Alchemy power supplies.

Hi, I just purchased a used Audio Alchemy DLC preamp with the PS1 power supply. Can anyone tell me the differences between all of the Audio Alchemy power supplies? How do the PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4 compare with each other? Thanks in advance.
If you read Wes Phillip's original review of the DLC, I believe he noted only that there was an improvement going from the one to the three. I own the DLC, and wasn't aware of the #2 and #4 power supplies. I enjoy the #3 with mine, and feel it offers significant improvement over the #1 in every way. Good luck, and your welcome in advance...heh heh.
I built my own power supply for the DLC and the improvement was very significant. The power station 1 is way below what is required for any competent preamp. By the way the same applies to the MSB DAC.
Thanks very much to carl_eber and redkiwi. I will be on the lookout for a PS3. May I ask redkiwi a few questions concerning his custom power supply? What voltage and amperage transformer did you use? What voltage regulator and capacitor values were appropriate? Thanks in advance for any information you can supply.