my next upgrade

I'm new to hi-fi with my first setup consisting of a project 6.1 TT with blue point cartidge, creek integrated amp, paradigm monitor 7 speakers, tara cables, and transparent interconnects. Should I get a power amp or new speakers? I've got 2 G's to blow. thanks.
You should get an amp, a pre amp & a sub for your system. You should be able to get all them for less than 2K.
Are you upgrading for upgradings sake? the question should be what do you see as the strengths of your system and what areas do you feel are weak and need to change and in what way. Only then can you think about what part of the system is most responsible for either a negative sound from system or an area that is a sin by way of omission not commission. i agree from my point of blindness ie. I have never heard the components of your system together, nor have I heard your source component at all. However, i would thin tht i would seek to improve either the source or the speakers. Your integrated amp is a nice little beauty and sins more in the ommission than the commission. That is much more benign. Take a look at the little ProAc Response 1s or the 2.5s or the harbeth little once with a low cost veledyne sub-woofer, or something in the 600 series of B&W or pushing it the B&W N805s. Good Luck Joshua