Opinions on what my next step should be

My system: Atmasphere S30, Soliloquy 5.3, EVS Mod MSB Dac, EVS Passive Attenuators, Analysis Plus Oval 9 Biwire, Siltech 4/80 ( between amp and dac) and a Sony 608ES CD player as transport. Im looking for the biggest improvement for the money. Choice #1: Get a better transport. Im actually quite pleased with it. problem is it has a captive powercord. Not sure what the future of digital holds. Choice #2: Upgrade the powercords. I presently have one aftermarket cord (Syn Res AC Master) connected to amp. Choice #3: Powerline conditioners. I have none at the moment. I do have 2 dedicated lines- one for amp & the other for digital. Choice #4: try a sub. I cant say that Im unhappy with the bass performance of the Sols but I did hear what a sub can do and was quite impressed. I was surprised at the amount of low frequency information that was on some of my CDs. Choice #5: Experiment with some Argent room lenses and the like as well as Bright Star Audio isolation devices and the like. Thanks to all who respond, Emil
Emil, in your position I would put a decent cord on everything, sort out your vibration isolation and treat the room. Unless you attend to all the major variables you will be throwing money away upgrading your components. Next on the list would be replacing the CD transport. A little-known hi fi secret you might wish to explore is that some DVD transports make fantastic cd transports. Two that I think are pretty good are the Sony S7000 (much better than its successor, the S7700) and the el-cheapo Pioneer DV525. These players do not sound great as CD players, but as CD transports they are fantastic bargains. It would seem that the reason is that the servos are so much faster and more precise in a DVD player that you can get very low jitter performance out of them. But beware, not all DVD players make good CD transports. If you can get a Pioneer DV525 on trial, you may very well be blown away with the improvement over your existing transport.
check out the Vandersteen 2wq sub(www.vandersteen.com). It is the most musical sub out there, and seamlessly becomes an added woofer to your speakers. It has gotting amazing reviews and has upgraded my thin, shouty sounding speakers into smooth full range speakers. It takes away the doppler effect that plaques two way systems. It's also like having a distortion free loudness button. An amazing product! Good luck