what is the best amp you've ever heard

Then: my AudioNote Ongaku and Jadis JA200.
Now: my DartZeel 108 mated with the DartZeel 18.
The Atma-sphere M60s (and I'm sure there bigger amps)sound great with my Merlins which are OTL friendly, and the CAT JL2 which sound great on just about any speaker. In SS, the Pass XA30.5 were the best I've heard/owned. The best integreated I've heard were various VACs and the Ars Sonum (with Merlin speakers).
I'm really pleased with the Almarro A318B & Almarro M33A combo, but also loved the A205A Almarro with Cain SuperAbbys and one Bailey, as well as the Musical Fidelity A20 (20 watts Class A) with B&W 804N's ... all of these were gripping ... but for the moment ... I simply love the Almarro duo ... simply, for so few dollars, wonderful in every way
Lamm ML3. Vladimir Lamm loaned us a pair for 6 months and they were to die for but not for mere mortals as they have an MSRP of $139K. Heretofore I would have said my beloved Lamm ML 2.1's but only if I had never heard the ML3. They throw about as 3 dimensional soundstage as anything I have ever heard. At 32 wpc SET pure Class A IMO these amps are the ones by which all others will be judged